Selected Publications
Selected Publications
- Taneepanichskul, N., Gelaye, B., Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Lohsoonthorn, V., Jimba, M., and Williams, M.A. (2018). Short-term effects of particulate matter exposure on daily mortality in Thailand: a case-crossover study. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health.
- Darfour-Oduro, S. A., Andrade, J. E., & Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S. (2018). Review of policies to increase fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity in 49 low- and middle-income countries. Journal of Public Health. doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdy039
- Darfour-Oduro, S. A., Buchner, D. M., Andrade, J. E., & Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S. (2018). A comparative study of fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity among adolescents in 49 Low-and-Middle-Income Countries. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1623.
- Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Shin, J. C., Reeves, D. M., Beattie, A., Auguste, E., & Jean-Louis, G. (2017). Sleep apps and behavioral constructs: A content analysis. Preventive Medicine Reports, 6, 126-129.
- Taillie, L. S., Grummon, A. H., Fleischhacker, S., Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Leone, L., & Caspi, C. E. (2017). Best practices for using natural experiments to evaluate retail food and beverage policies and interventions. Nutrition Reviews, 75(12), 971-989.
- Shin, J. C., Kim, J., & Grigsby-Toussaint, D. (2017). Mobile Phone Interventions for Sleep Disorders and Sleep Quality: Systematic Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(9), e131.
- Turi, K. N., & Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S. (2017). Spatial spillover and the socio-ecological determinants of diabetes-related mortality across US counties. Applied Geography, 85, 62-72.
- Christoph, M. J., Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Baingana, R., & Ntambi, J. M. (2017). Physical Activity, Sleep, and BMI Percentile in Rural and Urban Ugandan Youth. Annals of Global Health, 82(2), 311-319
- Kalipeni, E., Iwelunmor, J., & Grigsby-Toussaint, D. (2017). Maternal and child health in Africa for sustainable development goals beyond 2015. Glob Public Health, 12(6), 643-647.
- Geiger, S. D., & Grigsby-Toussaint, D. (2017). Mammography-Seeking Practices of Central Illinois Amish Women. Journal of community health, 42(2), 369-376.
- Turi, K. N., Buchner, D. M., & Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S. (2017). Predicting Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by Using Data on Easy-to-Measure Risk Factors. Preventing Chronic Disease, 14, E23.
- Bukenya, R., Ahmed, A., Andrade, J. M., Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Muyonga, J., & Andrade, J. E. (2017). Validity and Reliability of General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Adults in Uganda. Nutrients, 9(2), 172.
- Bayles, B.R., Brauman, K.A., Adkins, J.N., Allan, B.F., Ellis, A.M., Goldberg, T.L., Golden, C.D., Grigsby-Toussaint, D.S., Myers, S.S., Osofsky, S.A. and Ricketts, T.H. (2016). Ecosystem Services Connect Environmental Change to Human Health Outcomes. EcoHealth, 13(3), 443-449.
- An, R., Andrade, F., & Grigsby-Toussaint, D. (2016). Sandwich consumption in relation to daily dietary intake and diet quality among US adults, 2003–2012. Public Health, 140, 206-212.
- Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Turi, K. N., Krupa, M., Williams, N. J., Pandi-Perumal, S. R., & Jean-Louis, G. (2015). Sleep insufficiency and the natural environment: Results from the US behavioral risk factor surveillance system survey. Preventive medicine, 78, 78-84.
- Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Jones, A., Kubo, J., & Bradford, N. (2015). Residential segregation and diabetes risk among Latinos. Ethnicity & disease, 25(4), 451-458.
- Wójcicki, T. R., Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Hillman, C. H., Huhman, M., & McAuley, E. (2014). Promoting physical activity in low-active adolescents via Facebook: a pilot randomized controlled trial to test feasibility. JMIR research protocols, 3(4).
- Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Harrison, K., Nelson, M. R., Fiese, B. H., & Christoph, M. J. (2013). Exploring Marketing Targeted at Youth in Food Stores. In Advances in Communication Research to Reduce Childhood Obesity (pp. 317-340). Springer New York.
- Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., & Rooney, M. R. (2013). Food marketing targeting youth and families: what do we know about stores where moms actually shop?. Journal of environmental and public health, 2013.
- Chi, S. H., Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Bradford, N., & Choi, J. (2013). Can geographically weighted regression improve our contextual understanding of obesity in the US? Findings from the USDA Food Atlas. Applied Geography, 44, 134-142.
- Turi, K. N., Christoph, M. J., & Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S. (2013). Spatial distribution of underweight, overweight and obesity among women and children: results from the 2011 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey. International journal of environmental research and public health, 10(10), 4967-4981.
- Fiese, B. H., Hammons, A., & Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S. (2012). Family mealtimes: a contextual approach to understanding childhood obesity. Economics & Human Biology, 10(4), 365-374.
- Harrison, K., Bost, K. K., McBride, B. A., Donovan, S. M., Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Kim, J., Liechty, J. M., Wiley, A., Teran-Garcia, M., & Jacobsohn, G. C. (2011). Toward a developmental conceptualization of contributors to weight imbalance in childhood: The Six-Cs model. Child Development Perspectives, 5 (1), 50-58.
- Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Chi, S. H., & Fiese, B. H. (2011). Where they live, how they play: Neighborhood greenness and outdoor physical activity among preschoolers. International journal of health geographics, 10(1), 66.
- Grigsby‐Toussaint, D. S., Moise, I. K., & Geiger, S. D. (2011). Observations of marketing on food packaging targeted to youth in retail food stores. Obesity, 19(9), 1898-1900.
- Grigsby-Toussaint, D.S., Zenk, S.N., Odoms-Young, A., Ruggiero, L., Moise, I. (2010). Availability of commonly consumed and culturally-specific fruits and vegetables in African-American and Latino neighborhoods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 110, 746-752.
- Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Lipton, R., Chavez, N., Handler, A., Johnson, T. P., & Kubo, J. (2010). Neighborhood socioeconomic change and diabetes risk. Diabetes Care, 33(5), 1065-1068.
- Zenk, S.N., Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Curry, S.J., Berbaum, M., Schneider, L. (2010) Short-Term Temporal Stability in Observed Retail Food Characteristics. Journal of Nutrition, Education and Behavior, 42: 26-32.